This morning Clips could not call home and it deactivated itself.
#Photo clip app for mac serial number
The last straw was Clips sneaky & surreptitious way of calling home on a continuous basis to apparently check my serial number and ship back God-knows-what data to the mother company (remember, they have your clipboards!). After suffering through the multiple bugs Clips inflicts and the poor performance of the graphical interface, the final insult was dished this morning when it deactivated itself. Use abbreviations for emails, signatures, code, or anything else you can think of.

If that's not enough, you can create your own. Application & Spaces automatic clipboards: As you go about your daily business, Clips automatically generates and arranges copied items into Application-specfic and Space-specific clipboards.Its advanced architecture allows it to sit in the background and silently add anything you copy. Unintrusive system clipboard monitoring: When Clips is running you won't even notice it.Download Clips today and finally see clipboard and snippet management, the Mac way.
#Photo clip app for mac mac os x
Clips is your Mac OS X clipboard and text expander reinvented: manage snippets, substitute text on-the-fly and share clippings like never before! Use Clips to increase productivity during your daily computing experience.